Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Hear The Voice of The Lord

Okay, my good friends are completely surprised as I am still amazed with how God The Holy Spirit speaks to me. I know that if I had been consistently seeking God during most of my life as I have in the past years that I would be much closer to Him. But I’m glad to be where I am now. Any how, there are times when God will speak to me and tell me things and they will happen that exact way sometimes two years later or months later. He’ll tell me the names and ages of people I've never met a day in my life-and then I'll meet them-shocking yet uber cool. In the morning (actually throughout the whole day) I talk to Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit...yeah, it's like that. Anyhow, my friends are still a little shocked that what I tell them comes to pass so I guess this is my guide to helping you be shocked by the glory of God.

I sort of analyze the meaning of symbols, phrases and the culture of the United States as a whole and started thinking about the label of “Christian.” I mean, The United States of America would be considered a Christian nation but are we really? So, one of my qualifiers besides the fruit a person bears is, “Can he/she hear the voice of the Lord?” Simply put, Christian means anointed one and across the world, the phrase is synonomous with being a follower of Jesus Christ. But I had to be real with myself one day and ask, “How can I say I am a follower of Jesus Christ when I don’t even know His voice?” It’s a long story but some years ago God had placed me around some very anointed people and I found out that God speaks to people just as easily as I speak with my friends. I’ve had situations in my life that I didn’t know how to handle, perhaps a conversation with a supervisor or a friend but God told me exactly what to do. When I listened, everything turned out even better than I imagined!

Think about it; when you spend time with someone you begin to know their voice…right? If my mom called me today, I would say, “Hey, that’s my mom!” I wouldn’t say the latter verbatim and certainly not so Brady-bunch gung-ho but subconsciously, I’d know it was my mom. Well, when you spend time with God you begin to know his voice but beware, you are going to have to be persistent and keep seeking his face. My mom isn’t at the spiritual level I’m at now but she’s learning a lot from me and she always says, “Well, I did pray about that once.” And since she’s new to hearing His voice, “I always respond, ‘You have to keep on asking, knocking and seeking until you get a yay, nay or wait.” Don’t just give up because I assure you, in the end it is sooooo worth it!

Also, when you first start seeking the face of God you have to be very careful until you start learning his voice and test the spirits. That’s what the scriptures tell us to do. Basically, when you test the spirits you must be aware that there are also evil spirits in the spiritual realm so if you believe that The Holy Spirit or God has spoken to you, then you can test the spirit or God by saying, “Who is Lord?” God The Holy Spirit would respond, "Jesus", or "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus is Lord" but if you hear nothing, or something else then of course it isn't God. So, in the name of Jesus Christ bind the spirit and cast it into spiritual wilderness until God's judgment. 3Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:2-3.

Okay, I’ll have more about hearing the voice of the Lord throughout my posts because I believe it is a vital component as followers of Jesus Christ.


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