Monday, December 14, 2009

“I almost got in a bad car accident!”

My friend’s 23rd birthday was this Saturday and towards the end of the night, we went out to Dave and Buster’s in Utica. Well, even when my friends dragged me to night clubs I still was never a night-club person. All I can say about that is the spirit of God has always thrived with me. So, my whole point in brining this up is that my friend and I left Dave and Buster’s around 1:30 p.m. and on the way home, I swerved into the other lane of traffic but The Holy Spirit woke me up!

We were big kids in Dave and Buster’s but as 1 a.m. approached, the simple thought of having to drive all the way back to Detroit made me even more tired. But you know, I tried to be a good friend and not say anything. So, it starts to snow and I have to drive down Van Dyke all the way from Utica instead of taking the expressway because I-94 W is very dark around Hall Road and plus, it was snowing. As soon as we get in the car, my friend falls asleep, head nodding forward like she’s going to hit the dashboard.

I’m feeling so sleepy and Van Dyke has three lanes on traffic on either side with a turning lane separating each direction of traffic. I don’t know how it happened but I actually fell asleep and swerved into the turning lane of traffic and please believe that the I was less than 15 feet away from crashing into oncoming traffic. How I woke up – The Holy Spirit gave me a sharp jolt in my spirit and I woke up but if it wasn’t for Him, I may not be writing this today.

The lesson learned here is that since I am the driver, I have to either take a short 10-15 minute power nap before leaving for the next destination or TELL my friends when we are leaving. My friend has no idea we almost got in a car accident because umm…yeah, she was sleep. If I had a choice, I would love to be a passenger but knowing what happened to me last Saturday will make me stay awake for my own personal safety and for the lives of others.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Hear The Voice of The Lord

Okay, my good friends are completely surprised as I am still amazed with how God The Holy Spirit speaks to me. I know that if I had been consistently seeking God during most of my life as I have in the past years that I would be much closer to Him. But I’m glad to be where I am now. Any how, there are times when God will speak to me and tell me things and they will happen that exact way sometimes two years later or months later. He’ll tell me the names and ages of people I've never met a day in my life-and then I'll meet them-shocking yet uber cool. In the morning (actually throughout the whole day) I talk to Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit...yeah, it's like that. Anyhow, my friends are still a little shocked that what I tell them comes to pass so I guess this is my guide to helping you be shocked by the glory of God.

I sort of analyze the meaning of symbols, phrases and the culture of the United States as a whole and started thinking about the label of “Christian.” I mean, The United States of America would be considered a Christian nation but are we really? So, one of my qualifiers besides the fruit a person bears is, “Can he/she hear the voice of the Lord?” Simply put, Christian means anointed one and across the world, the phrase is synonomous with being a follower of Jesus Christ. But I had to be real with myself one day and ask, “How can I say I am a follower of Jesus Christ when I don’t even know His voice?” It’s a long story but some years ago God had placed me around some very anointed people and I found out that God speaks to people just as easily as I speak with my friends. I’ve had situations in my life that I didn’t know how to handle, perhaps a conversation with a supervisor or a friend but God told me exactly what to do. When I listened, everything turned out even better than I imagined!

Think about it; when you spend time with someone you begin to know their voice…right? If my mom called me today, I would say, “Hey, that’s my mom!” I wouldn’t say the latter verbatim and certainly not so Brady-bunch gung-ho but subconsciously, I’d know it was my mom. Well, when you spend time with God you begin to know his voice but beware, you are going to have to be persistent and keep seeking his face. My mom isn’t at the spiritual level I’m at now but she’s learning a lot from me and she always says, “Well, I did pray about that once.” And since she’s new to hearing His voice, “I always respond, ‘You have to keep on asking, knocking and seeking until you get a yay, nay or wait.” Don’t just give up because I assure you, in the end it is sooooo worth it!

Also, when you first start seeking the face of God you have to be very careful until you start learning his voice and test the spirits. That’s what the scriptures tell us to do. Basically, when you test the spirits you must be aware that there are also evil spirits in the spiritual realm so if you believe that The Holy Spirit or God has spoken to you, then you can test the spirit or God by saying, “Who is Lord?” God The Holy Spirit would respond, "Jesus", or "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus is Lord" but if you hear nothing, or something else then of course it isn't God. So, in the name of Jesus Christ bind the spirit and cast it into spiritual wilderness until God's judgment. 3Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:2-3.

Okay, I’ll have more about hearing the voice of the Lord throughout my posts because I believe it is a vital component as followers of Jesus Christ.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

“He went to Jared!” and “Baby, will you marry me?”

So, I figured out that one of my passions in life is event planning and that the idea of planning someone’s wedding is definitely on my “to do” list. But while I’m all into David Tutera’s My Fair Wedding show, I’m also wondering about everything that takes place before the actual wedding ceremony and reception.

Now, everyone knows the Jared jewelry commercial where they really do a great job in branding their name and making Jared seem as if it is actually on the level of Tiffany and Company. But c’mon, even if Tiffany’s modern day success if partially because of its legacy and the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Jared can’t compete! I don’t mean to diss’ Jared but they have to really get on the grind with their public relations and marketing if they want women to ask for Jared ring instead of a Tiffany ring. At the same time, I’m feeling that the average working man around my age may only be making 2k net at the least, maybe even less for some.

So, is it wrong for a woman who loves Tiffany and has always dreamed of a Tiffany engagement ring to expect something different? Tis’ the question: to buy Tiffany or not to buy Tiffany? I mean, I know you ladies feel the same way as I do; I want something nice but I don’t want to break this man’s bank! But, on the other hand as I told my best friend Jessica, most men always have some type of money saved up for a rainy day. I even had a friend of 23 years of age saving up money for an engagement ring so that when he did find that special, rare, one-of-a-kind woman he could easily propose to her? I guess I’m going back-and-forth because I want to be fair but really, if someone 23 could think of doing this then why should we hold our significant others to a lesser-standard? I mean, after all don’t we want someone that has discipline to budget his money properly? I figure, if I can say, “Well, instead of going out to dine every other week, I’m going to save or budget my money to do this,” then why can’t he? Not that I’m trying to break up any of your relationships but if your boyfriend doesn’t have the discipline to budget properly, then umm, how can he budget the finances of your household as a future husband and father? It's a good question and I'm not condemning him because discipline can help him get where he needs to be so don't feel as if I'm trying to be a bearer of bad news.

Now, the next thing is about how men express emotion and when finally pops the big question: Baby, will you marry me? All the time, you see on movies how men will make a really huge deal out of asking their woman to marry them because it is a huge deal! Well, when I was a junior I had a class with a young woman who started her own event planning business. I don’t think she mines me writing about her business which is Opal E Event Planning and b.t.w., she’s always been on the up-and-up with everything throughout the whole time I’ve known her. Anyhow, she evens helps with the proposal coordination! I mean, we want something really nice that shows he cares and put some thought into it! It is so easy to research and google search terms like: different ways to propose marriage; romantic marriage proposal ideas; asking a woman to marry you, etc. But if all else fails, they can get someone to help them so we shouldn't settle for less.

So, we have Tiffany not Jared and romantic proposal vs. non-romantic proposal. Not asking for much but for now, I'll digress. Oy vey! LOL.