Friday, August 7, 2009

He's In Love With A Stripper-The Real Strippers of Detroit Part I

I’ll say it again, “men respect women who respect themselves.” Now, you remember the old cliché, “if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.” Some women hate to hear this but if you are dressed like a prostitute or stripper, then that’s how people are going to treat you. Some may say, “my clothes don’t define me,” and they may not but clothes do relay information about you. There’s an old rap song called, “I’m in love with a stripper,” more like lust but did you catch the song title? This rapper who produced the song, T-pain said, “I’m in love with a stripper,” as if this occupation defines her whole person. Think about it ladies; all he sees this woman as is a stripper and that is all he loves about her. What about her intelligence, her caring personality, her funny quirks? Obviously, when you are in love with someone you see all of who they are and not just their occupation but this is the only aspect of her he is interested in; her stripping. I doubt that T-pain says about his wife; I’m in love with a real estate investor or a baker and the reason he doesn’t is because he loves everything she represents, not just one part. You don't here people walking around saying, "I'm in love with a lawyer or Executive Assistant," but 9/10 they use the person's name and say, "Yeah, I'm in love with Sherry." This man can't even address this woman by her name cause' he doesn't see her in that aspect and wants to mentally seperate her from who she actually is because just maybe he will see that she is an actual person with a soul. Anyhow, I want to talk about what actually goes on in the physical environment and the spiritual aspects.

Wow…this is a heavy topic that God has given me revelation on but I’ll try to break it down as easily as possible. Well, here’s something you guys don’t know; my cousin is a stripper! Yes, she is a stripper and she does not want to be a stripper. Some of the things I tell you may be too disturbing but I am warning you in advance, it’s not a pretty occupation. Before my cousin could even take off her clothes in front of people she didn’t know, she had to drink a lot of alcohol in order to get a buzz or kind of drunk. Of course you don’t have to wonder why. But she’s revealed some things that really take place and basically, men don’t respect women who strip.Let’s look at the spiritual aspect of what happens in a strip club which many men have no idea. Now, in a strip club there are many spirits of lust, adultery, perversion, etc. I know it scares many Christians when people talk about this but God’s people perish for their lack of knowledge; God wants you to know these things. There are wicked spirits who have certain tasks within the enemy’s kingdom just as God has Archangels, cherubs, etc; remember that Satan copies what God does in the opposite. Read 2 Chronicles 18:18-22 and you will see that God uses even evil spirits to bring forth his purpose and that certain spirits have certain tasks. Is there any question that in an environment where men lust after women, commit adultery physically and in their heart and other perversions that these type of evil spirits will lurk about? What makes it worst is that these men go back home and bring these spirits into their home, with their wife, children, etc so essentially they aren’t only destroying their lives but innocent loved ones are being effected.

Okay, so you think that stripping is the only thing that goes on? Think about it this way; an evil spirit isn’t going to stop inducing men to just look and lust after the stripper, or perhaps touch the stripper but is going to make them try and go as far as the human beings involved will permit. Now, this is what my cousin says; the men which she has stripped for have fondled her and even done things to her vaginal cavity with their hands. This to me is very, very sad and sickening because she does not know these men and even if she did it would be wrong. Secondly, think about how many different men she may dance for in one week; how many men are doing this to her? How many different men are groping her and abusing her body? And then, to think that these men with their unclean hands and fingers have the audacity to go further and mess with her vaginal cavity? All so she can make $25 for a lap dance.

It may be a little heavy for some of you, so I'm splitting this up in different parts.

1 comment:

wiseoldman said...

Yes, I agree with your post. I fell in love with a women who stripped for a living and found a whole lot of pain, aggravation and lying went with the relationship. As the stripper get's older and her looks start to go, she relies on consistent income from her regular customers. These customers in the club then transfer to customers outside the club. Well, you can bet she will tell you that nothing is happening but beware, they are good at lying by omission and telling you what you want to hear. I think mentally they believe they are doing nothing wrong, since they have know the person for a long time. Is straight up sex for money. That is prostitution, and will never allow for a Godly relationship, period. If you want more details go ahead and ask, I will be happy to tell the story. (But will not use any real names )