Saturday, August 8, 2009

He's In Love With A Stripper-The Real Strippers of Detroit Part II

So, here is the follow up and hopefully you'll be able to get through the whole post.

Besides what's been mentioned in previous post, in the stripping industry, oral sex is not “real sex.” So, what happens is that sometimes the men will say, “Ay, baby girl. Let me holla at you after the club.” Now, the strippers know what that means but sometimes things happen in the private room. Let’s remember that we have evil spirits around inducing them to do this behavior. Does it really sound far-fetched to you that evil spirits like activity that does not glorify God? Now, you have men reducing women to their mouths when God didn’t intend for this to be at all. It’s disgusting that they would not look at women for their full value but instead as an object to fulfill their desires but at the same time, they want their daughters and sisters to be respected…yet can’t do it themselves. Now the question is: How many different men will have proposed my cousin in a week? And it's like this, if a light bill needs to be paid or she has to "make ends meet" then it's all good. What man will ever want to kiss her, spend time with her, respect her and let alone marry her knowing she's does all this to other men? I just know that if it was a man going around stripping, performing services for women that I wouldn't want him to touch me with a ten-foot pole. I'd pray for him but I couldn't be with him and that's why The Holy Spirit is constantly telling me to pray for her to get out of this lifestlye.

Now, let’s talk about spirits of perversion. In strip clubs, bisexuality is glorified but men often fail to think about the spiritual aspect. If they are in a strip club and a woman has the spirit of perversion attached to her, don’t they think that advocating this behavior will leave them open to the spirit also? So, the enemy may begin to attack them in their dream life or their mind and they have no idea why. I’ve heard a pastor also say it about pornography; it’s not just a woman that is physically uncovered or naked but also a man and a person’s mind is just like a camera and captures everything. Look at what Lord Jesus says, “ 22"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” The Holy Spirit told me that this is not just a figurative saying but really a spiritual one and that when you look at something in an unpure way, you are letting darkness into your body. And last thing about these spirits of perversion; people wonder why little Pookie wound up in a certain lifestyle when he had both parents thinking that is the only way a person can be homosexual. Let’s not forget that Pookie’s father or brother or grandfather carried the spirit of perversion home with him. That’s another story though.

What can we learn from part of my cousin’s experience? Well, we already know that men don’t respect strippers but moreso, the spiritual aspect of it can be reaped for many years. As women, we need to pray for the men in our life because the enemy makes it seem like something alluring or fun. Proverbs 5:3-5 We have to petition and cry out to God on their behalf to keep their steps going down the straight and narrow path because they do tend to admire the visual aspect of women. But when the blood rushes to the wrong places on the body it is not admiration. Also, ask God to speak to them and anoint their eyes, ears, mind, spirit and heart to know His voice and hearken diligently unto His voice. So, let’s say that they do end up going to the strip club with their friend or cousin; The Holy Spirit will be there in their ear talking to them saying, “You shouldn’t be hear,” or they will feel a strong sense of conviction. Also, bind the spirits that God is telling you to in the name of Jesus Christ so they will not be able to work in his life. That’s all I got for now but I pray it has helped you or the man in your life in some way. I'll be back with more so stay tuned.

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