Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Preciousness of a Woman's Body

Okay, it may seem a bit different but sometimes I just simply ponder on how God made things and how it fits together with life itself. So, I was speaking to a Christian associate of mine and he asked, "You know, I wonder sometimes why God made man to like sex so much?" I can't remember what I said at that time but 9 times out of 10 a healthy young man or even not so young tend to desire sexual activity moreso than young women or older women . But this time, I wanted to speak on the preciousness of a woman's body.

I've heard the saying before, "Don't let just anyone park their car in your carage." Of course, we are talking about garages literally but the saying is so true. I was reading on a Christian message board one time and a woman was saying how a woman's genatalia can be assumed to be a bolt and how a man's genatalia is sort of like a screw. I'm paraphrasing but she said that (and I believe it to be true) but intercourse is sort of like a giving and receiving which is why women really need to be careful so they don't end up being screwed!

In all seriousness though, a woman's body is not equipped to handle many different screws or sizes and shapes of penises. This is just the simple nature of things and is why I always admonish you not to give in to temptation. Maybe you think you are so young and fair now at 24 or 25 but what about when you are 34 or 35? What if you don't get married until then? I've known young women who are only around 27 that have had almost thirty male partners which means a partner for more years than she's been on this earth. At this point and as a confessed Christian, she desires to cease this activity but has shown no improvement because only submitting to God's spirit can help you overcome temptation. At one point, she told her then partner who became sick to his stomach and could not even talk to her after finding this information out and now they are no longer together.

Why am I saying all this? Well, hopefully to stop any of you from constantly being screwed. Your body was not made to receive all of these different men like this and what kind of package are you going to have to give your future husband should you ever get married? It's sad to say that most men go around screwing women or sowing their oats and then hope to find that young, beautiful virgin to marry but it's true. But whatever your state of bodily purity, try to remember that your body is precious and God made you wonderfully so make sure you treat yourself this way and that everyone you encounters treats you wonderfully. Don't throw your pearls to swine ladies; save them for your Boaz!

I hope this is helpful to anyone doing google searches so I will start putting tags at the bottom.

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