Friday, May 29, 2009

God Didn't Want That to Happen To You!

All over the United States, there are black women (and men) suffering in silence because of what happened to them while they were children. Well, I want to let you know that God loves you and it was not in His will for anyone to ever physically or sexually abuse, molest or attempt to tamper with your innocence. Okay, I have a friend that would be a bit ashamed for to tell you all this herself but while she was growing up men had attempted to molest her.

When you are growing up and someone trys to molest, rape or abuse you in some way it can really effect who you become as an adult. You might think it doesn't effect you but in all likelihood, it does. So, I asked her, "Do you think you have issues with men because of what happened to you?" I'm paraphrasing but she said that basically, she doesn't trust many men even when it seems that they are legit. Of course, all women should be cautious when it comes to men but if The Holy Spirit has revealed to you the true character of a man, don't be a victim again when God has already told you that the man won't hurt you. For my friend, it's just an issue that God is helping her to deal with and each day she is growing to trust again. It's something like an in and out coming tide: at one moment she may feel hersef growing an attachment to a man but at the next instance, she's struck with the past and how virtually every man she ever met only wanted to use her. And it makes it no better that each time she's tried to step out and form something serious, men have tried to use her again and again.

Now, the main culprit who harrased my friend did so over a period of ages 11-14 but for some of you it may have happened at younger ages. Either way, God didn't want that to happen to you. The person that tried to harm you was not in God's will and was being used by the enemy to keep you from being all God intended. But I'm telling you; it doesn't have to be that way. God can release any shame or guilt you may feel. It was not your fault, please remember that. I know that like most victims, you are probably wondering "Why me?" I'm not exactly sure but I do know a savior that says you can cast your cares on Him.

God wants you to be happy, to live an abundant life not having to think about something someone did to you 10 years ago. Yes, it hurts badly but all your hurts and pains God can take them away. And eventually, you will be brought to a point where you can forgive this person for what they did. So, here is a sample prayer that you can follow:

"Dear Lord, I come to you humbly saying thank you for all you are doing in my life. Thank you for continually being with me Lord, even when no one else is there and I feel all alone. God, you know what *insert names of predator/s* tried to do to me. God, it may have happened long ago but I find myself still being affected by it and I know you want me to be healed. I don't want to cry anymore or wonder why or let this issue come up anymore in my life. I know that one day you will bring me a wonderful King and I don't want to miss out on him because of this issue of my past. So please God, take away my fears, my tears and my pain and heal my emotional wounds by the stripes of Jesus Christ. I believe it's possible and everytime you see me getting emotional over what *insert name of predator* has done, let your love wash over me and comfort me by your Holy Spirit. And even though it hurts, I forgive *insert predator* and ask that you bring them to a point where they are given a new spirt, heart and that you renew their mind. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen."

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