Thursday, March 19, 2009

Worship and Praise...It's What We Do!

Hey y'all. I pray that you've been doing well and living in God's will for your life.

It's so good to be back and talking with you all and seems like I've had quite a hiatus from this blog though it hasn't quite been a month. But you all know that I attempt keep you consistently engaged though other activities prevent that.

This week, I wanted to discuss something that I spoke about in one of my earlier posts and something I just learned in the past few months. It deals with the basic question that many human beings ask themselves: Why am I here? It also deals with questions many Christians ask themselves: What can I do to grow closer to God?

Well, the first question I really didn't understand until around last year even though I audibly heard the answer of the purpose of humanity when I was in high school. However, at that time I didn't fully receive or understand what he meant. But I know that over my life time, I have heard many, many people ask this question: Why am I here? The simplest way that I can put it is that humanity was made for the glory of God and so was the earth. That is why we are here: to glorify the creator of all things that exist, God Almighty, Jehovah Jireh, I am that I am, Alpha and Omega, etc. When I say the creator of all things that exist, I do not mean a "higher power" which I often times hear many people use as if they are saying they believe in God. I am saying the creator of all things that exist according to the scripture in John chapter 1, verse 3: He created everything that there is. Nothing exists that he didn't make.

A few weeks ago, I was watching a commercial and it instantly didn't sit right with me and I am speaking of the content of the material. No, there wasn't anyone naked or any brutality being conveyed but the message of the commercial advocated evolution which as a follower of Jesus Christ, I do not believe in. In this particular evolution theory, they used an Amoeba (or the smallerst living single-cell organism) to show how it turned into a fish, then a lizzard, then a monkey, then a caveman, then a man in the 21st century chewing gum. Okay, this evolution theory says that an amoeba turned into a fish, then a lizzard but if the fish turned into a lizzard, why do we still have fish today? Furthermore, if it took one amoeba to turn into all the things which make up the earth, then why are some living things inactive and others are active. What would make the smallest single-celled living organism differentiate between evolving into a tree versus a bear or a deer. Further more, this theory does not explain how the sun, moon, stars or galaxy came into existence. In such theories, there is always a purpose behind why creatures look or behave the way they do now yet I am waiting for science to explain evolution's response to why every human being ever born will not have the same finger print as another human being; what purpose in evolution could this serve?

Now, in the book of Romans it say that the invisible qualities of God have been clearly seen. In the basic English version the scripture look like, "20For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature,(A) have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." It says in previous passages that the wicked will experience God's anger because "the truth about God is known to them instinctively" and that "God has put this knowledge in their hearts." If you simply take time to look at the sky, or the flowers, or insects, or anything that you can see, it is truly wonderful how creative God is. There could be hundreds or thousands of different species of insects or trees, or even how beautifully the sky changes colors of organge, dark blue, pink, white, etc. We often take these small things forgranted but simple reflection reveals the true beauty of it all and the nature of God and how he ordains each thing to fufill a purpose. Human beings, which are creatd a little lower than anels are also ordained to fufill a purpose and glorify God.

That is why we are here, to glorify God through our obedience, worship, love, praise, etc. When you think of all he's done for us, it isn't much to ask. One thing I've learned about humans is that since we are made to glorify God and worship Him, that even if we turn from this we still end up glorifying and worshipping something because that is what God has put in us from the beginning. He lets us choose where we will walk in that innate passion to worship and if it will be Him or something else. All throughout the bible, God tells us that we shall have no other God's before Him. We should not put anything above our relationship with Him or make it our complete object of affection. For some, its the pursuit of money where they may do any and everything to obtain money even if its goes against the Word of God. I don't want you to think that you shouldn't pursue being wealthy or having money because it is God's will that you have life abundanlty in all arenas, yet there also should still be a balance. You have to make sure that you seek Him first and not the money or other things you may fancy.

In my years of trying to walk in obedience to God in His will, I never understood the importance of worship and praise in this pursuit. I had walked in obedience and prayed but was missing the worship part of being a Christian that is soo important. As explained to me one day, "God is looking for the true worshippers..." All this time, I had been trying to find God as the bible says we should seek Him but a pastor revealed on television that there are times when God will seek you out - one of them is during a time of true worship. Jesus says in John, "23But(A) the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father(B) in spirit and(C) truth, for the Father(D) is seeking such people to worship him." This means that when you worship God in spirit and in truth, God is looking for you. In Psalm, King David says that God is searching the whole earth to see if anyone has understanding. So, when you humble yourself, ask for forgiveness, truly repent and worship God, He is looking for you.

I will go into more detail about worship in the next blog post. Until then, I pray that God's will is done in your life as it is in heaven every single day that you breathe.

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