Saturday, December 27, 2008

But the Greatest of These Is Love

Hi everyone. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and are preparing for your New Year, God willing and of course he is.

This quote is often repeated by many people but to me or so I’d like to believe: it has a very special meaning to me.

At night, while most may be asleep I often find myself waking up and just pondering on how we as women (at least most of us) can continue to love despite being hurt time and time again in the past. How is it that we can look at a situation with child-like faith and bright-eyed enthusiasm and say, “This time it’ll be different,” when the past events have shown us that the likelihood of this occurring is “zilch to none.” None-the-less, we forged over our past regrets and look toward a brighter future praying to God at night, “Lord Jesus, let this one be 'the one.'”

I know that I am not the only woman who feels this way though it often times feels like my tears have been the only ones shed. But as I write my blog, it serves not only as a release for my creative expression, edification for the body of Christ but also a formal remembrance of where I’ve been and where I am going. My personal and friends’ experiences, sentiments are being compiled from a perspective of what the average woman has endured.

I feel for my young cousin, who is still in my generation and going through what many young black girls do…unfortunately. What words of wisdom can I give to her when statistics say that peers are a greater influence on a child than their parents or other authoritative role models? Is it possible for a two-hour a week heart-to-heart conversation to counteract the effects of her listening to rapper Lil’ Wayne and Plies or watching BET two hours a day? I want to shield her from the hurt and pain of finding out that most men that she will meet will only want one thing. Though it sounds jaded, many men that she will encounter as an adult will have no idea what celibacy means.

This summer, I met the most cunning black man that I’ve ever met. Every sign showing his true character I overlooked, in hopes that “maybe it will get better.” He led me to doubt who I was and the many things I believed in only because of his own selfishness. God had to pick me up and take me out of the situation because I couldn’t see “the trees from the forest.” I was in a valley and God elevated me above the situation. I can look back and say that what the enemy meant for my harm, God turned into my benefit. I found out that above all things, I should seek his kingdom first and having a right standing with him and all these things will be added unto me. I am completely and totally content with God alone though I know that it is in his will to compliment me with a mate.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

The Audacity of Hope: Wondrous Possibilities

When I met him
I never knew
But as time passed on
My feelings grew

And if our season
Has come to an end
I pray to God
That we become friends

God speak to his heart
And let him know
My kindness awaits
With sincerity in tow

Lord not my will
But may yours be done
In the holiest name
Of thy only begotten son…

Jesus. Amen.

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