Friday, June 19, 2009

The Air We Breathe-Part 2 of Previous Blog Post

Wow, it's so easy for me to be consistent when I'm only posting guest blog posts. I know I'm very analytical at times which is why I find this whole analysis so interesting because it just seems to "fit" and make perfect sense; it's like a "light bulb" moment. With no further delay, here's Part 2. And as always, I'm posting tags to make it a bit easier for you to navigate through the blog postings.

The Air We Breathe

God made Eve from Adam's rib; the part of his body that supports and protects his heart and lungs. The analogy is that the woman is the "heart and lungs", while the man is the "ribcage" which protects her.

Scripture says that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). So when we discuss the functions of the heart and lungs, we are specifically addressing those organs needed to sustain and promote life in the body. This is a parallel to who woman is and what she does.

Is a woman's role only relevant to a husband and wife relationship? No! It has nothing to do with being married or having children. We are speaking of how God has designed women with the primary purpose of her carrying and supporting life - in all areas. Woman is a life-giver whether dealing with the family of her parents, the family of her husband, or the family of God. This is simply who she is and it can be expressed via the role of a wife, a mother, and/or a handmaiden to the Lord.

Let's look at this more closely.

The Heart of the Home
A Breath of Fresh Air
A Place of Refreshing
An Inner Strength and Might
Symbiotic Alignment
Industrious Nature
Delicate and Pliable

The Heart of the Home

There is a saying that the woman is the "heart of the home."

Notice that she is the heart of the "home", not the heart of a house. In other words, a woman makes a house a home by what she brings to it. She is the life force in the home, both spiritually and physically.

"Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Proverbs 14:1"She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens." Proverbs 31:15

The Hebrew word for Eve is Chavvah which means "life". The woman is the one who propagates and regenerates life; she physically nurtures and gives birth to life, but she is also a spiritual life-giver.

The same attributes a woman physically provides to a baby in the the womb is what the woman brings spiritually to other environments: nourishment, sustenance, nurturing, insulation, warmth, comfort, a place conducive for growth, etc.

Whether one is ever a mother physically or not, like Deborah, a woman can serve as a spiritual mother to God's people.

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