Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Girlfriend, don't let this man hurt your dignity."

As I’ve become older there is one thing that really frustrates me about our culture and really, it would be the mentality of some people. I was talking to The Holy Spirit about some things and was asking Him some questions about something we talked about for a long time. I kept on asking Him the same question over and over again wanting more revelation on the topic of fornication and as I fell asleep, he answered my question. Basically, the revelation is that when a man lays with a woman before marrying her he is hurting her dignity (and his too.)

Sometimes, when The Holy Spirit gives me revelation and uses certain words, I find it best not to assume I know the meaning. But really, He’s led me to look up the word He gives in the dictionary and then gives me expansion and confirmation. So, I looked up the word ‘dignity’ and the first definition that fits this context of conversation according to meriam-webster.com is: the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. But seriously, this came right from the mouth of God and if He says it, then you know it’s true!

Let’s replace the word dignity as The Holy Spirit used and rephrase His sentence for expansion and amplification. The Holy Spirit is saying that when a man lays with a woman before marrying her, he is hurting her quality, her state of being worthy, honored and esteemed. When you think about it, this is so true because how many men do you see lining up to marry prostitutes, strippers, or pornographic actresses? Then, you go on further and think about how many of us black women have been disrespected by living with someone for ten years and wondering why we aren’t married? It’s because our state of worthiness, honor and esteem has been lowered in the mind of the man they are living with.

How can I explain this in more detail? Okay, when God said “Let there be light,” Gen. 1:3, there was light, right? Obviously or we’d be walking around in the dark. God has said that His word does not return unto Him void but goes out and accomplishes that which it is intended to; Isaiah 55:11. Let me show you the parallel of how God’s Word operates. Whatever He says is truth and will come to pass, just as He said let there be light and there was light. In the same way, when He says that a man hurts a woman’s dignity when he lays with her before marriage this means that it is truth. It should be evident when looking at today’s society; approx. the majority of black children are born out-of-wedlock. Obviously, somebody’s having sex but not many black men are stepping up to the plate to say, “I’m going to marry this woman.” It’s because God’s Word won’t return unto Him void but comes to past by the value of the woman being diminished to the man, so he doesn’t want or have a natural desire to marry her. I’ve seen it countless of times with those in my family and have to shake my head wondering, “When will some black women get it?”

Let me say it again in case it flew over your head; whether the people involved in fornication know it or not, God’s Word is going to come to past. So, this man may be somewhat in love with the woman but since God Word is going to be accomplished, her value is still going to be diminished. If you have a diamond ring w/ a estimated value and tag price of 10k and a cubic zirconia ring w/ an estimated value and tag price of $5; would you pay more than $5 for the cubic zirconia ring? The estimated value is the person’s actions and how you perceive their value while the tag price is how you treat them. Is a man going to say your worthy to be married and pay with his actions of 10K or treat you to being a live-in girlfriend for five years, have 3 kids, break-up and then turn around and marry someone else in a 6 months?

Now, the question is: When are we as woman going to stand up and say, “I don’t want someone to just use my vagina and throw me to the side!” I see it almost as if you would use a tissue and throw it away, or use a towel and you have to get a new one. When you use something you are getting a benefit from it or else, you wouldn’t want it? Could you imagine how dirty a towel would look if one man hopped out of the shower and used it 300 times, and then another one comes along uses it 50 times over 6 months, oh and then you fall in love again, so another man comes and uses your towel again. That’s how habitual sin makes your towel, dirty. Well, no one wants to buy a dirty towel but as The Holy Spirit says, “When your married, you won’t have to worry about your towel getting dirty because the sin isn’t present.” So, for every pauper who wants to use your towel, there are 10 kings standing in line to love and marry you; towel included. *wink*

Wow, I'm on a roll. I think I'll do more on this topic. LOL