Monday, July 27, 2009

He Says, "I Just Wanted To See How You Were Doing..."

Yep, that’s always how “it” starts…with a simple greeting. I’m talking about the “case of the ex” or anyone that God has taken out of your life for a reason or maybe a season. One of the things I’ve learned is that a man in your life should be there to uplift you and encourage you to grow closer to God; if he isn’t doing that then there’s your answer to get away from him. In one of my first blog postings, I said to take the man’s number instead and pray about it because you can find yourself in messed up situations from giving your number first. I also said that bringing up “God” in a conversation may be able to help you discern where he is spiritually because out of the heart flows the issues of life and that’s what I’ll be talking about today.

Sometimes, we as women make some issues more complicated than they are but as I began to grow closer to God, The Holy Spirit gives me revelations on how to handle certain situations. If you really want to know how or who a person truly is, listen to what they are saying. “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45
As women, we tend to become so used to talking to our girlfriends all the time, that we forget that men don’t communicate in the same way we do. Men tend to communicate (especially when getting to know you) moreso to receive information rather than just for the sake of just talking about any and everything. The Holy Spirit just had to remind me recently to take time and be quiet. Listen to what the man is saying because it will tell you more about him, what is in his heart and remember, “he is not your girlfriend.” If you know what this man has said in the past is wrong, then don't entertain him.

Ladies, you have to guard your heart and that means not communicating with men who are going to bring you down. Yes, you can pray for them but associating with them is not going to help you get to where you need to go. Remember this: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 or Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Now, what do you think happens when the springs of life flow from your heart and you entertain the idea of letting a sinful man creep back into your life? Because as I write this, it’s not just for you but it’s for me too and we all know that sin kills or the wages of sin are death…unrepented sin not under the blood of Jesus Christ. What I am saying is that you are entertaining accepting death into your heart. All it takes is one conversation, one phone call, one “let's have dinner” for you to be back in a situation that God has already taken you from.

See, the enemy likes to make things easy for you because broad is they way of destruction. But truly living for God is not easy but we have God’s spirit sustaining us. Ladies, we need to check ourselves from thinking “Oh, I just need a man to talk to and be with right now,” knowing that this man in his early 20s, doesn’t believe in following God’s word like you do and not even thinking about the slightest possibility of being married. So, what do you really think is going to happen after a couple of months of establishing a “bond” with this man and I’m not just talking about sex. Your relationship with God is going to be severely effected because his heart is somewhere else, in a place that doesn’t want to encourage you to grow. A person that is truly sent by God will always want to help you be better and grow closer to God, while they are doing the same. I am telling you personally that evil communications corrupt good manners but you don’t have to let it happen because you won’t be close enough to hear whatever this man is telling you. When you get that phone call, letter in the mail or email, don’t respond. Just remember that God is faithful and sees your faithfulness too and will give you a man better than you could’ve dreamed who will cover you as your husband.

Friday, July 3, 2009

“Ladies, watch out for those seductive love songs!”

I don’t think I would do any of you single Christian women out there in cyberspace any justice if I didn’t bring up the topic of “love” songs. So, I’m a sucker for the old school R’B love songs; the ones that talk about real love not all this crap made now-a-days. Well, not everything is crap because just this recently, I was in the car with my best friend listening to the radio and a song by Musiq Soulchild came on. Some of you may not be R’B fans but the song is called, “So Beautiful” and I’ll post the lyrics later on. The tone of the song was extremely too seductive for ME during that time but you have to judge for yourself when certain songs are making your flesh weak.

Even though we are Christian women, we are still women and that means we are made of flesh. Being that we are made of flesh, we have desires for the opposite sex and that’s the way God has made us. Since we know this, then we must be aware that as women there are certain things that can arouse you or dwell in your mind without you even knowing it. If you are sitting in the car and a specific song comes on, take into account how you feel when listening to the song and also if you feel a “Holy Spirit Check-up” happening. He knows what you can handle and what you can’t, which is why we need to be aware to what he is saying. Sometimes, I just turn off the radio to see what he is saying or affirming in my spirit about a certain thing and in this instance, a song.

In “So Beautiful” we have lyrics that every woman would love to hear from her man-ahem-her husband. What woman doesn’t want to hear she’s beautiful and that she pleases him in and out of the bedroom? You’re sitting up listening to this song but inside, you’re thinking, “Wow…that sounds really nice,” and before you know it, you are in extreme longing for the opposite sex. Again, it’s nothing wrong to desire the opposite sex but you don’t want to let your flesh get out of control

Oh-my-gosh ladies! I know it isn’t easy but I just believe that if you carefully guard your heart, it will be worth it in the end. God is going to honor your faith, submission, obedience and sacrifice meaning that when you are married, you will have husband to say all of those wonderful things and more. Just continue to watch those seductive songs and take into consideration what The Holy Spirit is saying.