Friday, January 30, 2009

Foolish Things

Lacking in sense, judgment or discretion. According to, this is one of the definitions for foolish.

Sometimes, when we look back on our past and ask, "How could I have been so foolish?"

Today, I was reading something I had wrote in December; something that had happened in my past that really made me sad. Simply and truly reflecting on situations you've been in can make you that way sometimes. But we grow, and we move past it yet the memories are still there but as I began to feel sad, I knew that God could lift me up. So, even at my job I went in the bathroom and prayed because I knew that I couldn't let the mistakes of my past affect me like this. I didn't want to feel sad for things that God had already forgiven me for so I prayed and God led me to this scripture and comforted me with His Word. Isaiah 54:4,

4Don't be afraid or ashamed
and don't be discouraged.
You won't be disappointed.
Forget how sinful you were
when you were young;
stop feeling ashamed
for being left a widow.

See, God is great in his love and mercy even beyond what we can understand most of the time. So, even when we have done things in our youth, foolish things that of course went outside of God's will he can restore us and will always be there. In v.10, he continues to say,

10Every mountain and hill
may disappear.
But I will always be kind
and merciful to you;
I won't break my agreement
to give your nation peace.

Many times, it's maturity itself that brings this shame that many people feel and sometimes, it can be other Christians. People in the church who look down on those who may have fallen since for some reason, people forget that we all are human. There are those that tend to unjustly judge the sin that they can see yet seem to forget that they have sinned, only their sins are hidden from public view. Married women may sometimes look down or frown their noses upon the pregnant young woman who was never married and say, "Hmphh, these girls need to learn to keep their legs closed." Yes, I've heard women say this and even though this is true, do you not remember the shame of your youth?

Do you not remember the foolish things you have done? Maybe your sin didn't result in pregnancy or being in a car accident from drunk-driving but it doesn't mean that you didn't sin. When these people look at others who have been "caught-up" in situations, they may frown their noses as if they haven't done wrong but must remember, "but for the grace of God, there go I." It's his grace that has sustained them and keeps all of us. Instead of putting someone down and constantly talking about them or the problem, pray for the person because they already feel enough guilt as it already is; they don't need you to make them feel any worse.

I'm not saying, "don't judge" because Jesus didn't say this and the scripture is taken out of context many times. He said in KJV of Matthew 7:1-5,

1(A) "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2(B) For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and(C) with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but(D) do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

How can someone that has not swept around their own door sweep around yours? That's one of the issues now-a-days in the church. A young pastor is admonishing the congregation not to committ adultery, yet he himself is committing sexual sin and thinks no one knows! How about that...SMH. This is the kind of stuff that makes people think, "How can you try to condemn me when you aren't right yourself?" When you judge in love, have your stuff together so please don't misunderstand because there is a time for everything. Even when the time comes, we must remember that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and none of us are perfect but are constantly being changed by God.

I'm saying all this to say, regardless of the foolish things you've done in the past or "during your youth" as the bible puts it; you don't have to be. You can grow from your mistakes and know that God will give you beauty for ashes. He will bring you to an expected end regardless if you can see it or not. Every now and then, you may feel ashamed as you reminsce on how you've messed up but shake it off and remember that in His prescence there is the fullness of joy.